nathankreider News 

Hulu Tweets About Culturally Appropriate Halloween Costumes, Deletes It

Hulu, a television and movie streaming service, posted advice to Twitter about culturally appropriate Halloween costumes on Tuesday, October 16th, 2018.

“If you’re dressing up for #Huluween this year, this is your reminder to wear a costume that is culturally appropriate and respectful to others. Let’s celebrate the holiday in a way that we can all enjoy.”

Hulu via Twitter
hulu deletes tweet about halloween costume
A since deleted Tweet from Hulu

Prior to deletion, the tweet had over 3,000 (mostly negative) comments that criticized the concept of cultural appropriation.

What is Cultural Appropriation, and Why is it so Controversial?

Cultural appropriation, as defined by progressives (the promoters of the concept), is when a member of the majority culture adopts segments of a minority culture in a way that distorts or belittles its original significance. Critics of the concept of cultural appropriation recognize it as a form of political correctness and social justice. They also point out how some advocates of the concept of cultural appropriation will often extend the definition so far as to criticize a white person for wearing dreadlocks.

The Origin of This Controversy

An instance at Yale University in 2015 sparked an international debate when 13 professors from the Yale Intercultural Affairs Committee sent a campus-wide email warning students to be conscious of cultural appropriation when choosing Halloween costumes. This led to a campus protest and a professor critical of the email to resign.

About The Author: 
Nathan A. Kreider is the founder of NAKhub Media and columnist at Being Libertarian. His articles have also appeared at the Foundation for Economic Education, The Lock Haven Express, and The Liberalists, as well as his own website,

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