nathankreider News 

PayPal Cuts Service With BitChute

BitChute, a peer-to-peer video hosting platform and YouTube competitor, released a statement on Wednesday (November 14th, 2018) explaining that PayPal, a payment processing system, has “limited” their account, meaning they can no longer send or receive payments using PayPal. According to the statement, PayPal asserts that BitChute violated the User Agreement, but does not specify how.

Ray Vahey, the CEO and Founder of BitChute, believes that “our stand against the current trend in censorship that has resulted in this action.”

A portion of BitChute’s statement

According to BitChute, they are currently working to find a replacement payment-processing software, and in the meantime are relying on other means of financial support via Patreon and cryptocurrency donations.

BitChute has now joined Gab, a social media platform, in the list of online platforms banned from using PayPal.

Author’s Note: I am one of many that used PayPal to support BitChute, and therefore hold a bias in favor of BitChute.

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