Opinion Robinp 


“What The Hell” has become my go-to expression for the complete insanity surrounding us, never more evident than in the last 2 years. MSM (mainstream media) straight up lying, having abandoned any pretense of reporting actual news. Democratic politicians trying to rewrite the constitution, telling us we’ve interpreted it incorrectly all these years. The Bill of Rights has been contorted to an unrecognizable degree to justify attempts to rob them from all of us. Has-been celebrities emerging, trying to grab the spotlight again by pretending to be concerned about a world of consequences and realities they do not reside in, and they know nothing about.

I’m seeing and hearing crazy claims coming from people who are so manipulated and indoctrinated they can actually spew their crap with a straight face. My face, however, I am convinced is going to freeze at any moment into an incredulous expression forever, just by the sheer frequency that I find myself using that expression.

Folks are breaking laws, abandoning traditions, rewriting history with their own biased facts, trying to convince us we’re the crazy ones, that we’re not seeing and hearing what’s occurring right in front of us.

We’re being bombarded with new words and phrases, made-up to give weight to absurd accusations and claims. Hate speech, white supremacy, safe spaces. Illegal immigrants are no longer illegal, they’re just immigrants or refugees, or asylum seekers. DACA folks have become Dreamers. Accusations of being Nazis, racists, traitors, misogynistic, xenophobes, homophobes. Everyone has a label, none of them based in reality, and few of them flattering unless you’re on the left side of politics.

We’re witnessing people clearly breaking our laws with absolutely no accountability or regret. Politicians openly calling for socialism with little push back, and, in fact, voted into office. Some of our cities have given over completely to Sharia law with Sharia sympathizers holding government positions.

The latest assault came upon one of our most sacred privileges: voting. For weeks on end we were bombarded with politicians telling us our vote counted, we had to get out and vote. We were inundated with memes and messages on social media to not only get out and vote, but to take friends, family, co-workers with us to the polls. Well, ya know what? We did. In record breaking numbers we voted just to discover this honorable and sacred privilege was abused, corrupted by the very folks whose job it is to ensure that doesn’t happen.

I know full well all of this, every single bit of it is by design, the democratic plan to break our nation and our people. It is a proven strategy and the liberals think they have America in the bag, but they’ve made one fatal miscalculation. This time, they are not dealing with folks who don’t have a constitution, Bill of Rights, tattered as they are, we still have them and are more determined than ever to defend and protect them. They aren’t dealing with folks who have been weakened and downtrodden, misinformed, neglected and abused by their leaders. They are underestimating our resolve, the fight within us, and the boundless love for this country. We will stand up and fight for America. In the end, we may be a little bruised and battered, but make no mistake, we will emerge the victors.

Robin P. is a 63-year-old female Vietnam Era Army Veteran. She is a conservative and The Crux Of It All Radio show contributor.
Twitter: @oldschoolvet74
Gab: @oldschoolvet
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