nathankreider News 

Liberty Memes Removed From Facebook

One of the largest pro-liberty meme pages on Facebook, Liberty Memes, was unpublished by Facebook on October 22nd, 2018. The admins of Liberty Memes can still be found on a backup page called Dank Liberty Memes and have posted various ways to support Liberty Memes. Liberty Memes does manage a Facebook group (titled Liberty Memes Community Group) and a rarely-active Twitter page, @Liberty_Memes. A different user has started another page, Definitely Not Liberty Memes, and has offered to give the page to the Liberty Memes admins to help rebuild their following.  The Liberty Memes page administrators say supporters can help…

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nathankreider News 

Memes Could Be Unhealthy, Say Researchers

In a paper submitted to the UK Parliament by Loughborough University titled “MEMEotive – Analysing the Effects of Internet Memes on Young Teenagers’ Health and Health Behaviors,” five professors highlight the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles among children and teenagers within the UK, and the burden of cost on the National Health Service (NHS). They argue that unregulated health information on social media can have a negative impact on the health choices of teenagers. They also suggest (within the quote below) that internet memes can potentially normalize bad behaviors like trolling, “body-shaming”…

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